Your washroom says more about your business than you may realise. Clean washrooms make people feel comfortable in your premises, while dirty washrooms may ensure they never return. You can make a great first impression on employees, customers, and visitors by providing safe and hygienic washroom facilities.
A key part of health and safety is to provide employees with easy-to-use washroom hygiene essentials. A clean and modern washroom is a positive reflection of your organisation and its values, ensuring customers feel comfortable and looked after in your business.
phs can work as a single supplier to meet all your hygiene needs, helping to reduce your financial and administrative costs with one account manager for multiple services.
Washroom Essentials
Make a lasting impression on customers and employees with hygienic and well-maintained washroom facilities by focusing on sanitary disposal, hand washing facilities, and air cleaning.
Sanitary Disposal
Poorly managed sanitary bins can leave a very bad impression on visitors, and also reflect badly on your business. We have a range of sanitary bins, bag dispensers, and surface sanitisers to help you make a good first, and lasting, impression.
When hygiene waste is disposed of at landfill, it can take more than 500 years to decompose. As part of The phs Lifecycle Strategy, hygiene waste collected from phs sanitary bins is diverted away from landfill and turned into a source of energy. Through our partnership with Panda Ireland, we’re diverting up to 95% of hygiene waste from landfill by transforming it into alternative fuel for cement kilns.

Hand Care
Hand washing and hand drying facilities are essential to reducing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Without good hand washing facilities and plentiful supplies of soap or hand sanitiser, illnesses and germs can spread quickly. Providing for people’s human needs maintains your duty of care requirements and shows a commitment to employees and visitors.

Air Care
For those looking to create healthier and more comfortable interior environments, air purifiers can be used to safely and effectively clean interior air by removing odours, germs, and allergens from the air. These devices work quickly, with many models able to completely clean the air in a room several times an hour.

Supporting Businesses across Ireland with Expert Washroom Solutions
At phs, we provide trusted, high-quality washroom services to businesses across Ireland. Helping your businesses maintain hygiene, compliance, and sustainability in every facility.
From sanitary and male incontinence bins to hand dryers and air care and water-saving solutions, our tailored services ensure your washrooms are clean, efficient, and welcoming.